Spring is a wonderful time of the year here in Barrie, ON, and it makes just about everyone think about doing spring cleaning throughout their home. Opening up your windows for fresh air, the wafting of the scent of spring flowers, and the delightful music from birds are enough to put you in great spirits. As you consider the various tasks involved with spring cleaning, be sure not to miss one that is every bit as important: AC cleaning.
The last thing you want is to have the joys of spring come to a screeching halt when the temperatures rise, humidity sets in, and you are faced with being uncomfortable in your home because your air conditioner won’t turn on or cool your home effectively. If you schedule AC cleaning before that happens, your air conditioning system will not only be cleaned, but inspected for any potential problems.
AC cleaning is also a great way to make sure your system is running as efficiently as possible, so your first, and subsequent, utility bills are not joy executioners either. When you take care of AC cleaning each year, you also avoid higher repair bills, and you are able to lengthen the lifespan of your HVAC system, which is yet another way to save money.
You’ll be able to put AC cleaning on your spring calendar with a quick call to us at Premier Home Comfort. We’ll set up an appointment that is convenient for you, and you’ll be able to check one more spring cleaning task off your to-do list.