When it turns colder during the fall and winter months, you want to make sure that your furnace is in tip-top condition so it can be depended on to keep your home warm and comfortable.
If you suspect you may be due for a furnace replacement service, here are three signs to look out for:
- Higher energy bills: As your furnace gets older and more worn, it will become less and less efficient at heating your home. If your heating bills are growing increasingly expensive and your use of the furnace has remained unchanged, this could mean your furnace is approaching the end of its useful life.
- More frequent repairs: One telltale sign that a furnace replacement is in your near future is if it’s requiring maintenance and repair services more and more often. Toward the end of a furnace’s lifespan, which can range from 15 to 30 years according to This Old House, age and wear and tear catch up to the many components of this heating equipment, necessitating more consistent and costly upkeep measures.
- Rust, deterioration, and damage: If elements of your furnace are eroding, cracking, and no longer functioning properly, at a certain point this structural damage can cause your heating system to be beyond repair.
If you are located in the Barrie, Ontario area and looking for a solution for your furnace maintenance, repair, or replacement needs, look no further than our team at Premier Home Comfort. Contact us today and get started by scheduling a furnace replacement estimate!